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Our Mission

Talenti in Ricerca all’Università di Pavia

L’Università di Pavia lancia un programma biennale per:

  • attrarre studiosi di alto profilo con progetti internazionali innovativi (PROGRAMMA ATTRATTIVITA’),
  • potenziare le opportunità per giovani talenti (PROGRAMMA RAFFORZAMENTO),
  • supportare domande di progetti di ricerca all’ Università di Pavia, in particolare quelle del Programma Quadro dell’Unione Europea (INROAd+: INstitutional HoRizOn Europe At UniPV; Edizione 2020).


Talents in Research at the University of Pavia

The University of Pavia is launching a two-year program to:

  •  gain high ranking researchers with innovative projects at international level (Attractiveness of the Research),
  • boost the opportunities for young talents (Strengthening of the Research),
  • support research applications @ the University of Pavia, with focus on the Framework Programme of the European Union (INROAd+INstitutional HoRizOn Europe At UniPV; Edition 2020).
Let’s fulfil our EU missions
Horizon Europe – the next EU research and innovation programme
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